Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Every Petal

Breathe in slowly and out yet again having that quiet place of calm as the focus in your mind
Think about each breath until you find yourself centered and feel the peacefulness seep in
The place I feel centered is in the garden listening to the wind and sway of my flowers
Kids and life I get minutes when I could do this for hours
The wind pushing each petal to and fro yet they just flow with it
Bending and swaying, not getting worked up so already over it
That feeling of calm, centered and feeling loved
Found in each other, something a papasan chair could only know
Once we get past the outer noise, feel centered and loved we can make such noise
Each simple breath with a focus and goal
Means today is your moment now off you go.

Monday, May 4, 2020


Springtime is a joy
It’s just like a new love blooming between a girl and a boy
Spring has seen the birth of last years pretty flowers
We know we need to dig in the garden for hours and hours
That work is worth it to get a yard that we love
Or a garden to help feed us with forbearance of bug
The warmth encases us, such a warm embrace
The sun kisses us, our legs, shoulders and face
Happiness abounds as we head out of doors
Even though it means cleaning and outside chores
There’s no snow to hinder, it’s gone till next year
The smile and sun on my face as the seasons change gear
I wrap up this poem with one final thought
There is no joy such as this that could ever be bought.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Frolicking with friends on rocks by the shore
Such is the life when sleeping and eating is the only chore
People perceive things from their own point of view
Doesn’t matter if they know you still just making a judgment or two.
Just like the birds on the rocks we have the choice to stay
Or we can leave, find a new rock by flying away
Judgement is supposed to be reserved for God
Some religions pervert that too, whose the real fraud?
The reality is we have the choice in what we can believe 
We could let their judgements drown us but whose really being deceived?
Chose not to listen to those mired in the filth of what they learned from society 
Chose the story of truth which you know in your heart as it’s your reality
We can chose to spend time with those that lift us up
That choice is for each of us, those great people are out their, don’t ever give up.