Tuesday, November 5, 2019

110 miles to empty chapter 2

Chapter 2
“Hey Kid, what are you doing later” asks Brad from across the table. I motion him closer as I am reminded how loud things get on open mic night. I love coming to open mic night although it reminds me how much more I need to practice my bass. Never surprised as the volume notch seems to climb ever higher. My little bar in Shelton with the stylings of local musicians some should reconsider yet some are so good. “What did you say, Brad” I ask as he steps closer extending his hand. “What are you doing later? I was thinking about having some friends over the house” “I think it sounds like another 7am run to the house to feed the dogs, Brad” I say, the half smile crossing my face and the mischief clearly in my eyes let’s him know I am down for another night of fun. “Cool, ya bringing Tammy with ya?” Brad inquired. “Naw, I can’t deal with her crap tonight. I am thinking it may be time for an upgrade, ya know” I state while scanning the room for who’s next on stage. “Ya Kid, I think you need someone that jives a little better with you.” “You tell me where I can find that and you know I am there man.” Out of the corner of my eye I see Abby and Glenda coming over to the table, with Matt in tow. Matt hassles around the pair, sneaking up on Brad and fondling his ass. Brad springs like a cat, turning and seeing his best friend Matt. The pair give each other a chest bump as Abby reaches her arm around Brad giving him a kiss on the cheek. Glenda leans behind me and sets in the chair giving me her fake smile while secretly cursing Abby with her eyes. For her betrayal with Brad, Abby gets that oh so familiar look we have each learned from Glenda. I am the proud owner of most of these looks. I found out from Abby a couple weeks back that she gets annoyed when I try out cheesy pick up lines on her. Over course I have only tried out a couple hundred on her since bringing that half smile back to my face.
Our table full once again for our Wednesday night fun. My friend Ron walks in I reach across the aisle and grab a chair to pull up to our table as the din of loud conversations and out of tune singing starts a dull hum in my head. Giving Ron a fist bump I start our conversation by asking “haven’t heard from you all week, you ok?” “Ahhh, you know what it’s like RJ. All these kids and George at the other store is making me nuts. I talked to Don about opening the other store in Clinton today.” “Oh really? I question him, “how did that go?” “He showed me the demographic breakdown, and you know how he is. With that bragging tone when he knows he was right”. “Ron and I have had this ongoing debate for the last 2 years about whether or not money is the key to happiness. Both of us knowing the only reason we are having this debate is because neither of us have real money. Honestly I have been a bit surprised he hasn’t asked me yet. “Ya know a store would work there, college, and more apartments than homes. You know what you are doing, why don’t you just open a place on your own. You know if you want something..” Ron chimes in stating “ no Robism’s tonight”. I just don’t see the point of making someone else more money when you can do this on your own, you know you have enough friends that would chip in and help you out.” “I just don’t want to work that hard right now.” Ron says resignedly. “Well quit working and get your band back together, no denying you would love that.” Ron smiles as he replies “ya, I would RJ, you need another” he states as he stands to head to the bar. “For tonight man, I could use quite a few more”. As Ron heads to the bar, I turn to Glenda and ask her if she is carrying a mirror in her pocket. She plays along with an annoyed look on her face, “no, why?” She asks. “Because I can definitely see myself in your pants” I say with a half cocked smile turning away so I can miss the look of disgust she gives me. Matt comes over as Ron walks away “party again at Brad’s you in?” “You know me Matt, where there’s beers & women you can find me. But honestly man if you get naked in the pool again I am out you got me?” “Oh come on RJ” Matt replies with a pleading in his voice. “You do something once and it sticks forever”. I smile broadly and state “really kinda depends on what ya do! Besides you were grab assin’ Everyone that night and frankly that’s not a picture I want to see man”. “Can’t a guy get a break, couple too many and I can’t live one bad night down,” Matt states. “Me? Me, give you a break?” I ask in a near laugh. “Never man, never”.

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