Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 avalanche is coming, was what he took from his words

all that chipping, clawing and digging my team no seems so absurd

it's in moments like these I really just wonder

why work for someone else, it seems like a blunder

create a great team that is solid and doesn't fail

while I sit here flooding with water that I need to just bail

uncertainty abounds which puts everyone on edge

tough being the one has to talk everyone else off the ledge

that's what the job is though, thankless and unappreciated

destined to bounce from place to place, guess that's just what I am fated

always in the middle, long for those days at the top

only way to get there is for this whining to stop

take an active role in making the changes required

having the strength to constantly carry on, there's no getting tired

finding the beauty in all the hard work being creative and fun

I'm all out of rhymes today so I guess we are done.

Song of trying

I've touched something deep inside my soul
for the first time in years, I feel like I've stopped falling
seeing the sunlight peeking in through the top of the hole
poking my head up through the crisp yet wispy grass can feel life on the winds breathe calling
inside my darkness for so long, can feel the sun starting to burn my face

trying so hard this limitless hole from the deep
trying to suck me back in to the coldness so hollow
trying so hard the tearing up ready to weep
the light is calling so it's time to follow

Waking up from this years long dream; only to find nothing is as it seems
feeling the sun on my face I reach out with my eyes
burning through the blackness seeing through to your screams
your frustration with me ever mounting, dreaming of spreading those thighs

Monday, July 17, 2023



Finding the voice laying the words to the wall

trying , the effort, but finding that voice making me stand tall

bringing it forward, my desire makes my mind race

just want it so badly it's a thing I can taste

so many years ago, came so easy, without so much effort as now

with wisdom, well at least more years, think it would be easier but I stop and ask myself how?

Singing the words like a song stuck in my mind. 

Thinking the truth one moment at a time

dedicated to the cause of making myself king of the heap

bringing action and effort my thoughts flowing so deep

staying right here, within the day, within the same week

redundant the dream becomes without the effort to plow on, ideas maybe needing a tweak

passion, drive and desire only allow us to go so far

feeling somewhat stuck...let's head to the car



Reluctantly building toward the ultimate decline

pacing ahead yet it's not what I want on my mind

tethered to a dream I never knew I even had

not necessarily good yet not necessarily bad

driven to the brink by my rash choice of action

not giving myself a chance to succeed, my ideas don't gain traction

wanting, desire neither fulfilling that image of success in my mind

haven't put forth the effort whether from my heart, or given enough time

dedicated to the show great spark and flash

never gaining the traction to turn those ideas into cash

each grain of energy not dedicated to moving the path ever forward

can't keep on the same path I've forgotten even what I am moving toward

drive, ambition, dedication bring success

wanting, desiring without the effort doesn't pass the test.

Friday, July 14, 2023

 Happiness used to be such an easy thing to define

Perhaps because it was never something that was longed for in my mind

Just something felt, by laughter an upturned mouth and twinkle in the eye

Why do I struggle now with being happy, it can’t be this hard to find 

Life was simple in the days long since gone? Required nothing grandiose, no special effort or ploy

Just me, some friends and let the good times roll? Each brings a difference, that adds so much to our group 

With responsibilities, bills and children life isn’t just a night out with the boys

Remembering the time we shared before those 3 things just above

Uninhibited, unencumbered, just the beginning of our love 

Realizing in a flash, maybe by the lightning in this dark night rain falling from the sky

Happiness is the look you give me when I make you laugh, seeing the joy spread in you those sparkling eyes

This started with me feeling this happiness construct was evasive and complex

But now that I think of it, so much easier than before

Finding my happiness happens every time I walk through our door