Thursday, September 19, 2019


the gestures we make to express our love never seem like enough when we aren’t equals. Being an equal in love is sharing the joy and laughter as well as the pain. If the hurt is all one sided it’s not love anymore just an act. An act of reluctance on our part to admit what we don’t want to see. That the one we love doesn’t feel the same. Love is whole, it’s abundant and active, why would you want someone that doesn’t make you feel that... cherished feeling. Can you know love? Do you deserve love. The answer to both is absolutely. We have a capacity to turn a blind eye for comfort but we need to shake it up! Be active in that choice of whom to bestow your time. The warmth of a touch that permeates the whole body. The look you give each other when you both have that inside joke, the smile you have that people see you are in a great space just because they are on your mind. Love is total, the feelings from inside are felt by each of you. The way that one can make your heart hurt in their absence just as leaping for joy after a long day. Don’t stay, if it’s not total go find that joy. Go find the happiness you deserve. You are worth it!

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