Friday, September 20, 2019


Lifted by wings the angels did fly
Carrying them away, the final goodbye 
How I miss them both gone too soon
I stood there crying feeling like a goon
My thoughts drift back when I see a cardinal pass my way
Or beautiful butterflies flapping around mid day
The beauty in the little things comes from experiencing the bad
Muddling through it as best giving it the best I had
Dreaming through colors my mind drifts into the beyond
Drifting away removed from the pain but for only so long
Pray yes pray for my soul to make it through the day with the longing and loss
My performance suffers, what do I say to the boss?
Truth be told it’s hard sometimes now, it’s seems so long ago
But I get through, how even I don’t know
We get through things with time, they say it heals all wounds
But that’s really not right is it? Do they think us buffoons?
What heals us can happen by understanding and acceptance of a loss
But sometimes things don’t heal they just get covered over with gloss
Handling that pain isn’t easy anyone that’s had too they know
We do a great job of hiding it not letting it show
But that’s not healing, nope not even close
I once had a family friend tell me that they saw them as ghosts
No one is gone if we remember there kindness, love and good deeds
While this can be comforting it doesn’t quite fill our needs
But what can? Hmmm, a great question that’s true
...I wish I knew

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