Friday, October 25, 2019


a quick tale
It was my birthday this week. I guess as we age we all get different meaning from celebrating (or not) the day we were born. This year I looked around at my life and took stock. I have a beautiful daughter that survived a major surgery, 2 sons that I am so proud of and another volleyball champ daughter. I have my house, my house, the culmination of scrimping, saving and the luck of my Irish wife. 18 years we have been together and we have had the usual struggles most marriages do but they are far overshadowed by the amazing times we have spent together. I feel older, a little less round than last year but definitely a step slower yet I feel alive. I feel a joy I could not have imagined in my younger days because of the fullness my life has with my beautiful/ handsome and oh so smart kids, my house, the dogs and the love I pray and try to make myself worthy of everyday. Life is so short and so precious. I hit the jackpot and although I may be looking a little more Elmer Fuddish than Thor, I wake up each day happy with the choices I have made both good and bad because it landed me here. Happy, in love, lucky and another year wiser.

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