Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Don’t let the things that drive you become your enemy

Playing a soundtrack and singing along with his two beautiful girls driving home from one of their volleyball games he can’t help thinking about work. As his thoughts drift through the mundane tasks required of him he knows it’s for a greater purpose as he is in school getting his masters in plastics engineering. Bobbing his head to the music, his mind a million miles away he never even saw the deer coming as it leapt from the side of the road right in his path.
The fog won’t lift he thinks to himself. I really feel awful he thinks to himself as he wanders through the trees. He doesn’t notice, either due to the concussion or the sheer volume of drugs in his system, that he wanders only in his mind. Thoughts seem to drift and he realizes for a moment he doesn’t know where he is. That temporary anxiety leaps into his chest until he starts to recognize the path that he and Mr. Tolland used to walk when he was a kid. Mr. Tolland used his dog walks as a way to smoke his pipe away from the Mrs’ while I thought they were great fun getting to run around in the woods frolicking with Shalimar the very stocky St. Bernard. 
The walks he remembers must have been a long time ago although in some ways it feels like they just happened yesterday. He realizes as he stumbles over a root sticking just above the dirt that he is alone here in the woods. Then the realization hits that these woods don’t exist anymore. Torn down to make way for more houses on the direct path to Boston. Where am I really he thinks momentarily as a light glistens to his left. Surprised and a little scared (although a man would never admit to such things) he considers whether to look into this or turn and head the other way. He turns his head and that’s when he realizes he is no longer on the path and frankly is lost out here in the woods of his childhood. I couldn’t be lost in these woods I have built treehouses, forts, examined all manner of insect and nearly died here. I know my way around, why don’t I know that. Rationalizing he determines the fog is why and again is drawn to the light. 
As the light grows in increasing brilliance fear creeps into his chest. Suddenly in this emerald clearing an angel appears. Shielding his eyes due to the change he chokes out in barely a whisper, “why...why are you here?” To speak with you John of course, maybe I should call you dad as I can feel your fear and anxiety. How do you know my, he starts to blurt what do you mean dad as his eyes adjust to the light emanating from her. He sees the beautiful eyes and smile, his eyes suddenly leap to the scar. What happened to you princess he tears up as he leaps forward to hold her. 
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