Thursday, October 31, 2019


Truth is such an interesting thing when we stop to think about it
Because ultimately truth is about our perception of what we are willing to believe. So what do we believe about ourselves? Are we good inside being honest to ourselves? What is honesty anymore? We aren’t allowed to be honest because we will offend someone and making sure everyone is comfortable is what we are all about right?
What if we are kind of good? Trying to be truthful but only taking my side of the story. That’s kind of good. It’s all supposed to be about number 1 right. Why be honest with myself when I can put blinders on and live in my safety zone. Why tell someone their ass does look big in those jeans because you are 20 lbs overweight, when you can be safe and kind and just say oh yes, they make your ass look gorgeous. That’s how we live in delusion, never taking the time to get in the dirt because it takes honesty to break through and sayI was wrong. Nope, don’t have to when we can get a quick divorce,never have to face the real truth that it’s ok to be angry but when the communication stops is when things truly break down. It takes integrity, bravery and trust to know someone is angry with you and still be honest about how you feel. Something many of us never experience.
Then there are the bad people with good intentions, and we know what the road to hell was paved with. Don’t tell me what I want to hear because it is safe for you. Of course the same goes for the rotten apple. Telling me whatI want to hear because you are a coward afraid to face the truth in yourself so always keeping people exactly where you want them.
Truth gets murky in all of these because no one is all good or all bad. We are all multi faceted people with our own agendas. It’s about number 1 is right. We are no good to anyone broken apart in pieces through so much giving so we do need to keep a part of ourselves focusing on tomorrow and growing our mental health and stability. So we can give to others but we have to be cautious because there are so many takers out there. Taking pieces of our sanity and because a taker is only interested In themselves they will literally see the light fading from your eyes and keep taking till it goes out because you are just a thing to them: Disposable. The only true way to handle the takers is to recognize them and shut them down. They take from you because they lack the self confidence to know they can provide for themselves because they are afraid of owning who they are and see in you something awesome. That precious jewel inside you just like liberty needs to be defended. You are precious. Don’t ever be afraid to give but recognize when there is no reciprocal experience and end it asap. Protect your soul from those that would extinguish it. You are loved and valued.

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