Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Desolation A love story

Reaching up from under the stillness of the foggy water
Trying so hard to get to the light though I dwell so low in the darkness
Happiness is knowing you are there, mine
Sadness is knowing the that no matter what you have no time
I can see the light from the foggy expanse
Trapped under the water, I give nothing but a silent glance
Trying, reaching
Crying, beseeching
Desolation the water drums into my ears
Nothing but the drumming of my heartbeat, the silence of empty years
So much to offer have I
Trying, reaching lifting myself towards the sky
I want nothing but the breath of the wind against my face
Silky, smooth, washing across me like fine lace
Trapped beneath the blackness, so much left unsaid
Hearing the silence, tasting defeat being left for dead
All in a week
Ever feel alone in a room full of friends
Can’t wait to escape, till that party ends
Alone in my mind, heart and soul
Cradled in your arms, feeling that love is my goal

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