Saturday, October 12, 2019

Drive you part 3. The conclusion

Brianna makes her way to the hospital, hoping against hope that her dad will be awake when she gets there.

John looks at his little girl. I am sorry Brie but I can’t leave at, we are here. Where or maybe what is here? I don’t know where we are, all I know is you want to speak with me. John looks puzzled, how do you know that? Simply because I am here, this is what you want so here I am?

John is really struggling. After a few minutes of circling in the glade, John looks at Brianna, alight with an amazing glow and says to her. Since you are here I will start with a small apology. I am assuming that something bad happened in this “accident” which is why my head is in a fog and you look like an angel with a big scar on your face. I don’t remember the accident, what I do remember is that every chance I had where I could have focused on you, mom our family I chose to focus on improving myself. I am not sorry about that because it has led us to this bigger house and better life. What I am sorry for is that life is so short. I remember you fitting in the crook of my elbow to my hand. To me it feels like yesterday yet to you in feels like forever. I forgot I need to cherish this journey. I forgot you weren’t going to be this little delicate baby forever. That as you grow you will have your own dreams and I am teaching you that those are more important than you. Tears are streaming down his cheeks as he feels an acrid burning in his throat like fire.
The Uber drops Brianna outside the main entrance to the hospital and she takes the too familiar journey to the third floor west wing. Both excited and afraid she prays quietly to herself that her dad will be awake. Brianna dear, Mary-Ann smile at her. Mary-Ann has seen this young lady so many times over the years although usually on 1st shift as Mary-Ann recently has had to change due to issues with her own family. Brianna dear it’s very late, or very early for a visit she chuckles. I know and it’s good to see you as Mary-Ann’s arms wrap around her for a hug. Is it ok if I sit with him? Beeping starts to be heard on a console behind The Nurses station. As Mary-Ann starts to turn and respond to the beeping she says you know where he is but sit quietly my dear as I am not really supposed to allow you to be here. Brianna starts to head to the room her dad has been stationed in for the last 6 years a too familiar journey of sadness the young woman has had to endure.
Mary-Ann resolves to call Brianna’s mom after allowing Brie at least a little time to see and sit with ...It takes a moment to register but it’s her dads alarms going off apparently he is crashing. She quickly orders the code through her radio starting the process of gathering the right series of people and actions that will transpire. Brianna hun, Mary-Ann speaks loudly as Brianna is turning the corner to the room and the young lady screams...
Brie, I want you to know how important you are to me, John states as he starts to feel discouraged by the pain in his arms, legs and body. You, your sister and mom are why I have spent so little time with you so I can earn degrees, John coughs the pain in his throat a steady fire as if a volcano has erupted in his stomach. I have missed so much time, so hard to get to all the responsibilities with equal attention, the singular cough has now started to increase almost a torrent coming. I know I have made lots of promises, he pauses briefly as the smile on her face is gleaming at him and he feels a wreck, and I have come through on most of them and suddenly John falls. Enveloped by the lush green moss he feels the soft earth pulling him in, his body suffers overwhelming pains and he thinks he must be dying.
A flourish of activity seems to be happening around her but all Brianna can focus on is the flat lines on the machines that monitor her dads vital signs. She cries, no sobs loudly as she stares curled up half under the sink trying to stay clear of all the people and equipment in the small space. John looks up and sees the radiance coming from his daughter as he struggles to free his head from the moss just long enough to tell his beautiful first born daughter that he loves her as suddenly his chest feels a fire like nothing he has ever known before tearing into him. Back in the hospital room a doctor yells charge planning to administer another shock to wake heart from its sleeping state. Brianna hears clear and blips on the machine start to appear, Johns rusty eyes start to open nurses and the doctor start removing tubes from Johns throat as he is apparently breathing on his own. Poked, prodded and generally annoyed John falls back asleep praying to continue his talk with Brianna, starting to become nervous of what has transpired and the reality he is waking to when he feels something cool take his hand. Focus still rusty from nearly 7 years of not being used there is a bright din around a pretty face that seems vaguely familiar but he just can’t place. He stares at the girl trying to steel his rusty voice as he gurgles out who are you? Although a hint of sadness he detected in the brief glint of her smile she starts to rise tears of joy and unabashed happiness as she throws her arms out and states, I love you dad! This is my daughter John thinks to himself? So different from the vision he had what feels like moments before, Dad your awake and alive Brianna cries into his shoulder, still a little confused John smiles while thinking he will need to catch up on things as he wraps his arms around her in a hug, half asking, half stating Brianna?

Authors note: there is a lot of ways this could have gone, I hope you like the direction and conclusion of this story. Thank you for reading!

Thanks for reading the 3 posts. Hope you like it as it’s a bit of a departure from my usual short stories. Subscribe to the blog, leave a note if you have comments. I love feedback and have thick skin  so honest feedback is always welcome.

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