Thursday, October 10, 2019

Drive you part 2

He falls to the ground with a thud, passing right through his little girl. Dad, I am here but not here. I would love to hug you but not today I am afraid. What happened, to you, to this even real? Real not real, I wish I knew she chimed. What happened to me? You don’t remember the accident she seems puzzled as she drifts slowly, oh so slowly moving about the emerald glade. Accident, John mutters to himself, his brow furrows and the creases of years of hard work show in the lines scrunched together and then the light dawns. Oh, then the light really dawns, oh my God, Brianna. You, are you? Am I...dead? Let’s leave that for a simple we are here with each other talking & enjoying the moment.
John stares incredulous, he’d ask if she was being coy were it not for her limited 9 years. Enjoying the moment, he asks so puzzled. Where are we then Brie? Obviously we aren’t in the woods of my childhood, so much fog? Is this a gateway to heaven? It must be if you are here. She starts to shush as the words slur his questions coming so fast. He reaches for her hand, while he can’t touch his heart still warms at the thought of his little girls memories in his heart. 
Do you remember the time we climbed Mount Monadnock, dad? Yes, how could I forget. Your mother was so angry. How was I supposed to know that half way up I would have a heart attack? Do you remember coming home from the hospital that night? Do you remember me waiting there? Trembling, crying and so excited. I know Grammie said you were fine but that wasn’t real until I saw you walking in the door. Yes, Brie. This is what you want to discuss? Yes dad. You see, I am still waiting. What do you mean sweetie? That was almost 7 years ago. 

Lying in bed, warm and snuggly with her favorite stuffie Brianna dreams of her dad. Dreaming of my dad? She absentmindedly thought. I haven’t dreamed of dad in so long. She feels him hug her and then see him falling. It looks like dad is speaking to someone. Oh my God is dad crying she thinks as she sees tears slowly leaving his eyes. Who is he talking to? She tries to get a look at the pretty girl but can’t seem to focus. She wakes suddenly, startled awake and leaps from her bed. Mom she screamed, mom. Angrily yelling back her mothers boyfriend tells her to stop screaming. Mom she screams again even louder, prompted, no challenged by this lazy man. Mom she says again as she shakes her mother’s shoulders, mom. Brie, what’s the matter? Her mom starts to shift in her bed looking over towards the clock, Brie it’s 2:30 in the morning while the red lights of the clock flash 2:33 AM. I need you to take me to the hospital now Brianna yells nearly hysterical. Why hun, what’s the matter? Are you hurt? No mom, it’s dad! Dads going to wake up or maybe already is awake? 
Puzzled her mother adopts that look when Brie knows she has already made up her mind. Charlie chimes in and says we aren’t going to the hospital for that right now. Shut up Brie yells, you don’t get a say. Charlie starts to retort but a wave of his girlfriends hand tells him to keep it to himself. Why do you think that? Did the hospital call? No, I saw him mom. I know how crazy that sounds but I did. Where did you see him, Brie? I, well I had a dream and. A dream mom blurts? Clearly annoyed at having been woken for this. I know you miss your dad. I miss him also honey but he is probably never going to wake up. So enjoy the dreams. I am happy you are thinking of him but it’s time to get back to sleep. Brie knows the look she is receiving and decides to leave the room. Love you mom she says as she goes, and as her mom says she loves her Brie decides she is going to go and quietly goes back to her room and gets changed, ordering an Uber with her other hand on her phone. 7 minutes out , black Toyota. 
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